Shop for Me
Just give us an item link, our AI enabled shopping assistant handles the shopping and shipping errands.
Sign up for freeStep 1Visit any of the 20 stores in our network
Step 2Copy and paste the product link in our search bar
Step 3Enter your destination in Africa and pay in your currency
For shopping platforms in our 20-store network, simply paste the link into our search bar and hit search. Our system will automatically calculate the shopping cost, delivery to our warehouse, home delivery, and a nominal service fee. If the item isn’t found, you can manually enter the product details.For requests from stores outside our network, we will review your request, and payment is expected within an hour or less of review confirmation. If the item goes out of stock after that time, don’t worry, we can issue a refund to your FlymyMall Wallet, which you can use for other services or select a different item link.